Welcome to empowerment coaching, your path to real success in life

Redefining Real Success for Ambitious Women

Success for women like you extends far beyond the limited realms of status or money. It’s about achieving a harmonious blend that enriches every dimension of your life. As a driven professional or entrepreneur, you already know the importance of career excellence, but true success encompasses so much more.

It’s about attaining mental and physical health, nurturing deep and meaningful relationships, and ensuring your financial security. It’s about personal growth and creating a lifestyle where each day, week, month, and year contributes to your ultimate happiness and fulfillment.

It’s no surprise that successful people often have coaches & mentors. The guidance and accountability a coach provides can be the key to becoming the best version of yourself. A coach plays a crucial role in your journey to comprehensive success.

Picture yourself living your best life, where your professional achievements align seamlessly with your personal joys.

You have the power to design a life where comprehensive success is not just a goal, but a reality. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together and lead a life where you truly thrive.

Ready to elevate your success and enrich every facet of your life?

Empowered woman coaching

Meet Your Coaches

empowerment coach Lotte

Hi, I’m Lotte, your empowerment coach. From a young age, I’ve had great interest in the mind and a big ambition to make an impact on society and help people transform their lives. However, my career journey wasn’t always smooth. I struggled with health issues that made me doubt if an ambitious career was an option for me.

After earning my Master's in Global Health and working in the healthcare sector, I realized my true interest was the human mind. It was clear that my doubts stemmed from needing to align my work with my values and passions. That's how Novigate was born, a business created with my sister where we both thrive. Though starting my own business was initially daunting, I now wouldn’t have it any other way.

Aligning yourself with the right environment and your true passions is crucial to becoming your most successful self. Often, it’s not that you’re not good enough; it’s about being in the right place to express your true worth. Changing your reality and what you believed was your path can be terrifying until the unfamiliar becomes familiar, and you start thriving again.

The most important step is becoming aware of your worth and where you want to go. Remember, it is just a decision away. You always have a choice, even when it feels like things will never improve. Let’s work together to make that choice and find the path where you can truly shine.

Hello! I'm Tessa, Your Empowerment Coach

I used to soar the skies as a fulltime commercial airline pilot, driven to build a successful career. However, the endless cycle of exhaustion & lack of personal time left me drained. My days were filled with back-to-back tasks, leaving no room for self-care or reflection. I often found myself shuttling my dog between daycare and home, desperately seeking relaxation on surfing holidays.

I felt trapped in a routine with no purpose, convinced that more money would bring happiness. But I couldn't have been more wrong. Eventually, I hit my limit.

Determined to turn my life around, I immersed myself in personal development books and studies, devouring more knowledge about personal growth in a year than ever before. This journey led me to become a part time pilot & certified coach to help other ambitious women become real successful.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
— Eleanor Roosevelt

Empowerment coaching is designed to help you break through your career blockages and progress further than you ever thought possible. As we strive for success in our careers, other areas of our lives often receive less attention. We might feel guilty for not spending enough time with our loved ones or find it challenging to make time for self-care and exercise. This imbalance can lead us to depend on temporary “fixes” like 5 morning coffees and a much-needed vacation.

Empowerment coaching addresses these challenges by guiding you on your journey to career success while ensuring that your personal values are fully integrated into your daily life. It provides a tailored approach to help you balance your core values, allowing you to feel at peace and thrive. This alignment is where we achieve true success, in our careers, or in our businesses. To genuinely flourish, we need to feel aligned, happy, and free.

Too good to be true? Find out for yourself, the first session is for free, no strings attached.

A transformative journey awaits for you

So, are you ready to climb Mount Success with us? Most of us climb a mountain called "No Clue," where we try our best to reach the top without really knowing what it is that we reach. All while we also don't realize that we hike this mountain unprepared, with the wrong gear, and with too heavy backpacks, taking most of the time the wrong paths up. It's often where we feel burned out, tired, and frustrated.

What if we sit together and prepare your hike? Imagine knowing what gear to bring and what weight to leave behind. Discovering who to bring on your journey for support and to share the experience with. This will be a hike full of joy, incredible memories, and pride. And you will do it!

Your Personal life

We focus on various aspects of your personal life, starting with what is going well and identifying areas you'd like to change or improve.

We'll explore:

  • Mental Health: Assessing your mental well-being and finding ways to nurture and support it.

  • Physical Health: Evaluating your physical health and integrating strategies to maintain or improve your fitness and overall physical well-being.

  • Personal Time: Ensuring you have enough time for yourself to rejuvenate and relax, evaluating how you spend personal time.

  • Spirituality (optional): Connecting with your inner self and understanding the spiritual aspects that bring you peace and fulfillment.

  • Overall Happiness: Determining what brings you joy and fulfillment  in life.

We’ll examine what needs improvement, set personal goals, and identify your core values. This introspection helps us uncover what you truly want to take out of life.

By establishing this foundation, you can ensure a balanced, fulfilling, and enriched journey ahead.

Your family and relationships

Your family and relationships not only provide love and support but also act as a grounding force that aligns closely with your core values. When your relationships reflect your deepest beliefs and principles, they become a source of strength, inspiration, and joy. This alignment fosters a nurturing environment where both personal and professional aspirations thrive.

  • Family: Family life is integral to our happiness and well-being. Are you spending as much time with your loved ones as you'd like? Reflect on your family dynamics to ensure they align with your values and aspirations.

  • Relationships: Meaningful relationships also play a crucial role in our lives. Which relationships might need improvement, and perhaps, which ones might need to be let go? Identify who in your life gives you energy and who takes it away. 

Our goal together is to align these relationships with your core values, fostering joy, more energy, and love in your life.

Your career and finance

We know you are already working hard for your career. Do you feel like you're stuck and can't get it to that next step in your ambitious journey like: having a bigger team, or doubling your annual revenue? Or do you feel like your career is taking too much of your time, making you worried about losing your balance or even your career itself? Perhaps you are considering a career change? What about your financial situation—have you set any financial goals? Are you experiencing money worries? Is money coming in easily, or do you struggle to manage your finances?

We focus on aligning your career and financial goals with your core values and desired lifestyle.

We'll explore:

  • Career Advancement: Identifying opportunities for growth and determining strategies to achieve the next level in your career.

  • Work-Life Integration: Ensuring your career does not overwhelm your personal life by establishing a harmonious balance.

  • Financial Stability: Setting financial goals. We focus on your money mindset, your relationship with money. 

We'll evaluate your career aspirations and financial mindset to identify areas for improvement, set achievable goals, and guide you towards the mountain top of success.

“My Riches Is Life Forever. Some People Are So Poor, All They Have Is Money." - Bob Marley

It is so incredibly important to integrate these three areas to be truly successful, you create a foundation for a fulfilling life. If one area is left behind, you’re not aligned and struggle to find true fulfillment and happiness.

True success isn't just about excelling in one part of your life; it's about achieving balance and harmony across all these crucial areas. By dedicating time and effort to each pillar, you ensure that you are cultivating a rich and rewarding life, where personal satisfaction and professional achievement go hand in hand.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together, ensuring every aspect of your life thrives, leading to a deeper sense of joy, fulfillment, and ultimate success.

A Powerful Message from Tess and Lotte:

Hi, we’re Tessa and Lotte, and we're excited to talk about the amazing impact of personal growth. Take a moment to think: What results are you seeing right now? What's going well in your life, and what needs more work?

If you want to change your results or situation, it all starts with personal growth and a solid plan. You need to become a better version of yourself to reach your goals. No one else can do it for you—it's time to take control and be responsible for the results in your life.

Why is personal growth so important? Because it gives you the tools and mindset to break free from limiting beliefs, embrace your potential, and move confidently towards your goals. When you invest in your growth, you change how you think, act, and see the world. You start to find opportunities where you once saw obstacles.

Additionally, integrating the three areas is essential for true success. When these areas are aligned, they create a foundation that ensures a balanced and fulfilling life. Neglecting even one can lead to misalignment, causing struggles to find true fulfillment and happiness.

It's incredibly important to nurture all these aspects together because true success isn't confined to just one part of your life. By dedicating time and effort to each area, you ensure that every aspect of your life thrives, leading to a deeper sense of joy, fulfillment, and ultimate success.

Embrace Personal Growth to Transform Your Life

We've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of personal growth. For many years, we were caught in the web of feeling trapped, battling self-doubt, and managing health struggles. We even experienced health issues due to a lack of alignment between our career and core values. But when we turned our focus toward personal development, everything shifted. We gathered the courage to rewrite our narratives, pursue our passions, and live life on our own terms.

Our mission is to guide you in doing the same. We're here to support you along your journey, but always remember, the first step is yours to make. Embrace the journey, take charge of your life, and you’ll soon uncover incredible opportunities you never thought possible.

You have the ability to craft the life you desire. Let’s embark on this journey together and turn your dreams into reality. You truly deserve it.

The Coaching Process: Your Path to Transformation

The coaching Process: We take that hike together.

Our coaching process is designed to empower you by thoroughly examining every aspect of your life. Together, we will uncover what's thriving and identify areas ripe for growth. Here’s how we’ll achieve this transformative journey:

  • We believe in the power of play and creativity in discovering what you’re capable of. One of our favorite exercises is the 3 MIQ (Most Important Questions). Here’s how it works:

    The 3 MIQ Exercise:

    90 seconds of boundless creativity: You have just 90 seconds to write down everything you want to experience in life, how you want to grow, and how you want to contribute.

    Why the time pressure? It forces you to write down your true desires without overthinking. When you don’t have time to make excuses or rationalize, your deepest aspirations come to the surface.

    Building from your values: This exercise helps you identify what truly matters to you. It’s an eye-opening experience that brings a huge smile to your face—guaranteed.

    We start with this inspiring exercise at the beginning of our program and keep going back to it throughout our journey together toensure we stay aligned with your evolving values and goals.

  • After the initial excitement of the 3 MIQ exercise, we dive deeper into understanding your challenges and what holds you back from achieving your desired results.

    We explore how to order your thoughts and manage your emotions, providing you with clarity and direction.

    Together, we work on a personalized roadmap to your goals. This isn’t just any plan—it’s a roadmap uniquely tailored to you.

  • Guidance and Tools: We are your guides, providing you with the tools and strategies you need to stay on track.

    Addressing Challenges: We help you navigate any obstacles that arise, ensuring you remain focused and motivated.

    Excitement and Anticipation: Trust us—you’ll be over the moon and super excited about the journey and the incredible destination ahead.

By the end of our coaching journey you will have:

  • Integrated Well-being: Achieved a harmonious alignment between your mental, physical, and spiritual health, creating a foundation for sustained happiness and overall well-being.

  • Clarity of Purpose: Gained a deep understanding of your core values and purpose, driving more intentional decisions in both your personal and professional life.

  • Enhanced Relationships: Strengthened your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues through improved communication, empathy, and emotional intelligence.

  • Career Fulfillment: Aligned your career with your passions and strengths, resulting in greater job satisfaction and professional growth.

  • Resilient Mindset: Cultivated a resilient and growth-oriented mindset, empowering you to navigate challenges with confidence and embrace opportunities for continuous personal development.

Ready to start this transformative journey? Book your free session with us now and let’s begin optimising your story together. Your path to a happier, more fulfilled life starts here!

Our Coaching is Perfect for You because you will:

  • Watch big changes happen as you let go of doubts and embrace a positive mindset. You’ll pick up new habits that help you reach your goals and make your life happier and more fulfilling. You deserve to wake up each day feeling excited and ready to take on the world with confidence.

  • Learn practical tips and strategies to balance your work and personal life. Whether you're a busy professional or a dedicated mom, you’ll find out how to set boundaries, manage your time, and take care of yourself. Feel the stress lift off your shoulders as you create a balanced life that brings success and well-being.

  • Discover your inner strengths and passions you never knew you had. Our coaching will help you break free from old patterns and live authentically, making choices that truly reflect who you are. Watch as your new confidence opens up opportunities you once thought were impossible.

  • Learn how to handle life's ups and downs with grace and strength. Develop ways to stay grounded and focused, no matter what challenges come your way. Turn obstacles into opportunities for growth and go through life with unshakable confidence.

  • Women who have taken this transformative journey with us have seen real improvements in their careers, relationships, and overall happiness. Imagine getting your dream job, building deeper connections with loved ones, and feeling a new excitement for life. These aren't just dreams—they can be your reality with our coaching.

Don’t wait to start living the life you deserve. Take the first step towards your transformation today. Book a free session with us and let’s start rewriting your story together! Your journey to empowerment starts here!

Our coaching services

1. FREE 60-minutes Try-out offer

It is essential that you feel a genuine connection with your coach. You'll be sharing your journey and working closely together, so you need to like us as individuals. We aim to become a supportive part of your life, providing the encouragement and guidance you need to become your best version. This is why we're excited to offer you a FREE 1-hour coaching session! This is your opportunity to get to know us, see if we’re the right fit for you, and experience firsthand how aligning your life’s pillars can lead to profound personal growth and happiness.

2. Tailored Coaching Packages (Post-Consultation)

  • Personalized Coaching Packages Designed for YOU!

  • Coaching is available in Dutch and English

  • Based on our consultation, we recommend one of the following packages to best meet your needs and help you achieve your goals: We recommend, you choose!

1 month - 3 months - 5 months


1 month

What you’ll get:

  • 4 sessions: One hour each, meeting once a week

  • Support Between Sessions: You can email us with questions and for guidance anytime

  • Personal Exercises: Fun exercises and activities to help you grow

  • Initial Meeting: We’ll start with a thorough chat to understand your goals and set our path


  • Find Your Goals: We'll figure out what you want to achieve

  • Boost Your Confidence: Learn to trust yourself and embrace your strengths

  • Take Action: You’ll set simple, actionable steps to start making positive changes immediately.

Discover Your Path!



(Self-investment includes 21% VAT.)


3 months 

What you’ll get:

  • 10 sessions: One hour each, meeting once a week in the beginning followed by bi-weekly

  • Support Between Sessions: Contact us through email or Whatsapp messages for ongoing support

  • Personal Exercises: Detailed exercises and worksheets to aid your progress

  • Initial Meeting: We’ll have an in-depth chat to understand your goals and create a personalized plan


  • Refine Your Goals: We'll make your goals clearer and set a personalized roadmap

  • Build Confidence: We'll work on boosting your self-confidence and breaking down barriers

  • Balance Life and Work: Learn practical strategies to manage both your personal and professional life

  • Stay on Track: Weekly check-ins to ensure you’re progressing and staying motivated

Transform Your Journey!


(Self-investment includes 21% VAT.)

Payment in terms is possible for certain payment methods.


5 months 

What you’ll get:

  • 18 sessions: One hour each, meeting once a week in the beginning, followed by bi-weekly

  • Support Between Sessions: Unlimited email and WhatsApp messaging support, plus optional bi-weekly check-in calls

  • Personal Exercises: Comprehensive exercises, activities, and action plans tailored to you

  • Initial Meeting: We’ll start with a detailed chat to set long-term goals and create a thorough plan


  • Achieve Long-Term Goals: We’ll create and stick to a plan to achieve your big dreams

  • Deep Confidence: Build deep, lasting confidence and be your true self

  • Master Balance: Learn to balance your work and personal life without stress

  • Create Positive Habits: Develop habits that support continuous growth and success

  • Stay Motivated: Regular check-ins to keep you on track and excited about your progress

Achieve Lasting Change!


(Self-investment includes 21% VAT.)

Payment in terms is possible for certain payment methods.

Why women love working with us

  • Livia, Italy & UK

    “Lotte's empathetic nature combined with her keen insight encourages a journey of exploration that feels both safe and exciting, and her guidance feels like a collaborative dance rather than a directive push. This empowers me to own my growth and the revelations that come from it, making each session a sanctuary where I am understood and valued.”

  • Wendy (30), Netherlands

    "I started my journey with Tess feeling lost, unsure of what I wanted or who I wanted to be. Tess's coaching, through thoughtful questions, assignments, and explanations, has helped me rediscover myself and gain new insights. Her down-to-earth perspective and humor lighten my thoughts after every session. Just a few sessions in, I'm starting to find myself again. I'm deeply thankful for Tess and excited for our next sessions."

  • Talissa (32), The Netherlands

    “So grateful for Lotte. She has a passion for people and helping them. With her kindness, calmness and loving character, she is able to connect on a deeper level. Her coaching style is exactly what I was looking for. She helped me to be more confident about myself and my life so I can be happier and live life with less anxiety.”

Ready to Change Your Life?

Take the first step towards your transformation today. Book a free consultation and start rewriting your story with our guidance. Your journey to empowerment starts here!


  • In our coaching sessions, you can expect a welcoming and supportive environment where you feel heard and understood. Each session is personalized to your unique needs and goals, focusing on actionable strategies and powerful insights that drive your transformation. Whether it’s overcoming challenges, building confidence, or mapping out your future, our sessions are designed to inspire and empower you every step of the way.

  • Our coaching is all about YOU. We start by deeply understanding your unique goals and aspirations.

    Whether you're aiming for career advancement, personal growth, or finding balance in life, our coaching will help you break down barriers, build actionable steps, and achieve the extraordinary results you envision.

  • Absolutely! Investing in coaching is investing in yourself and your future. The transformation you’ll experience—greater clarity, confidence, and fulfillment—will have a lasting impact on every aspect of your life. Our clients repeatedly tell us that the personal and professional growth they achieved with our coaching is invaluable. You are your greatest asset, and this investment in your development will pay dividends for years to come.

  • We offer a flexible coaching schedule to fit your lifestyle. You will receive a link where you can easily schedule your sessions. Our sessions are conducted online via video calls, ensuring you can access empowering support from anywhere in the world, whether it’s from your hammock near the beach or your living room. Rest assured that our commitment to your growth and success is unwavering.

  • Yes, you can. We always offer you to pay in once or in terms for our coaching packages.

    Our terms and conditions apply to our payments. You can find our terms and conditions in the footer on our website.

Your Transformation Awaits

"This is more than just coaching—it’s a journey to empowerment, confidence, and fulfillment. Don’t wait to start living the life you’ve always envisioned. Secure your spot now and let’s begin this incredible journey together."

Compass & Sun Element Novigate